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Disinfectant | Clean | Antiseptic | bactericide

Disinfectants for bacteriological risk areas, with you can find the most recognized brands and products that guarantee disinfection.

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Body wash, neutral pH 002. Ref H301G05009 Wins
    Body wash, neutral pH 002. Ref H301G05009 Wins
      pH neutral body wash, for cleansing and body care. For hand use and for body use. Its special formula with softening agents and surfactants washes away dirt while preventing damage to the skin. During use, it generates a consistent and creamy lather. It has the right viscosity to be used correctly in dispensers. HOW TO USE The product is used by...
      Body wash, neutral pH 002. Ref H301G05009 Wins
        pH neutral body wash, for cleansing and body care. For hand use and for body use. Its special formula with softening agents and surfactants washes away dirt while preventing damage to the skin. During use, it generates a consistent and creamy lather. It has the right viscosity to be used correctly in dispensers. HOW TO USE The product is used by...