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We make disinfectants and cleaning elements, one of our specialties is the manufacture of bleach, a powerful and economical disinfectant and bleach.

Disinfectants and cleaning elements bleach, a powerful and economical disinfectant and bleach.

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bleach washing machine 2 Ltr. Ref. A0005, Crucita
    bleach washing machine 2 Ltr. Ref. A0005, Crucita
      Washing machine bleach box 2 litres, 6 pcs. Ref. A0005, Crucita, domestic use.
      4 items
      bleach washing machine 2 Ltr. Ref. A0005, Crucita
        Washing machine bleach box 2 litres, 6 pcs. Ref. A0005, Crucita, domestic use.
        4 items