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      Alkaline Floor Treatment Stripper Deka 1 5L. Ref. Dermo
      Alkaline Floor Treatment Stripper Deka 1 5L. Ref. Dermo

      Alkaline Floor Treatment Stripper Deka 1 5L. Ref. Dermo

      Tax included
      Return Policy:14

      What's in the box: 1 x 5L plastic containers of Deka 1 Alkaline Stripper

      Alkaline detergent Stripper & Descaler

      Removes wax residues and self-shining emulsions from previous applications.

      for all types of flooring.

      Volume Discounts

      QuantityUnit PriceSave
      2€11.53Up to €0.47
      4€11.17Up to €2.35
      0 items
      • Terms & ConditionsTerms & Conditions(Read before making your purchase)
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      • Delivery policyDelivery policy(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
      • Delivery policyDelivery policy(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
      • FREE ReturnsFREE ReturnsIf you have any problems with your purchase, the return is FREE
      • Return policyReturn policy(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)

      Reviews by Revi

      What's in the box: 1 x 5L plastic containers of Deka 1 Alkaline Stripper

      HOW TO USE:

      Apply diluted in water in a proportion of 5 to 10% depending on the dirt, scale and quality of the floor.

      Treat small areas with a mop or rotary machine (black or brown disc).

      Clean quickly with water to avoid prolonged contact of the product with the surface and for complete removal of the stripper.


      Appearance: Liquid.

      Color: Blue.

      Smell: Characteristic.

      pH: 13-14.

      Density: 1.08-1.09 g/cc.

      Concentration in active matter: 15-20%


      Plastic packaging. 5L


      Specific References

      Alkaline Floor Treatment Stripper Deka 1 5L. Ref. Dermo

      Tax included
      Return Policy:14