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      Powder-free Blue vinyl gloves 100U - 4.5g. Ref GD14 Santex
      Powder-free Blue vinyl gloves 100U - 4.5g. Ref GD14 Santex

      Powder-free Blue vinyl gloves 100U - 4.5g. Ref GD14 Santex

      Tax included
      Return Policy:14

      What's in the box: 1 box of 100 units

      Blue Vinyl Gloves. Thin and sensitive to the touch, due to the fact that its external surface is smooth on the cuff, palm and fingers. Cuff rolled up. Shelf life: 5 years

      Size :
      10 items
      • Terms & ConditionsTerms & Conditions(Read before making your purchase)
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      • Delivery policyDelivery policy(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
      • FREE ReturnsFREE ReturnsIf you have any problems with your purchase, the return is FREE
      • Return policyReturn policy(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)

      Reviews by Revi

      What's in the box: 1 box of 100 units

      Examination gloves in the healthcare field
      , medical or dental use, complies with the medical protective gloves standard (EN 455); Its use is intended for the protection of the patient and the user against low biological and chemical risk, it complies with the requirements for the verification of microbiological safety and chemical risk (EN 374-2).

      It is recommended for short-term tasks with a high change frequency.

      They are widely used in the food, electronics and cleaning industry because PVC does not contain latex or chemical accelerators, so skin irritation problems due to allergic causes are reduced and they also offer acceptable comfort and elasticity

      In the field of food, these gloves comply with the requirements of Regulation 10/2011 and Regulation (EU) 2016/1416 regarding plastic materials intended to come into contact with food.

      10 Items

      Specific References


      Powder-free Blue vinyl gloves 100U - 4.5g. Ref GD14 Santex

      Tax included
      Return Policy:14